be there there hope...

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The Witch is here!

Oh! I hate this. The test was negative. The witch is here after 16 DPO (days past ovulation). 1 Dec 2004 became CD 1 instead of a hat-throwing ceremony! There goes my wish of having a Leo baby. Next round would be a Virgo if it goes well. This was just my first cycle. Those who had tried for 20 cycles producing nil results definitely have my deepest sympathies. Sob, sob...

Must think of better strategies when due for ovulation but again needs DH's cooperation too. I am still thinking whether to subscribe for VIP membership with Fertility Friend. I am quite addicted to the charts and buddies sharing all these painful moments. The prettier your chart is, the higher the level of disappointment when baby dust misses her place.

Pregnancy Symptoms or My Imagination?

Talk about pregnancy symptoms, I have a share of the pie. Shortness of breath resulting in me taking deep and quick breaths. Flat out suddenly and next minute you see me catching a nap. High energy at other times that I thought "hey! my mind has never been so clear and bright!". Frequent urination leading me to wobbly knees from trips to the ladies. Nauseous after sushi though I love sushi. Gassy and poor hubby hate this most! Send him screaming out of the room. Earthquake noises from my abdomen which makes me queasy. Edgy and moody at times. Bloating of the stomach which adds real volume to my already not-so-perfect tummy. Still, spotting continues which I hope is not the monthly witch coming.
Are these symptoms real or just my imagination!!!

Monday, November 29, 2004

The Day Before Tomorrow

It is the day before tomorrow and I did not had a deep sleep last evening. Woke up in the middle of the night for a pee and maybe that resulted in a slight temp drop. Tomorrow, 1st Dec 2004 marks the reopening of a Hokka Hokka Take-away eatery near our mansion. Closer to heart is the pregnancy test for our first official Trying to Conceive Cycle. My chart has been looking great except for spotting which is a huge question. A few at Fertility Friends has very encouraging words. I found this website which has beautiful tickers for tracking purposes.

Yesterday, I met up with Rasmane for yakitori, sushi and crepes. It is going to be months before I can see him again as today, together with his family, they are shifting to Kyoto for good. I gave him our best blessings for life in Kyoto assuring him that all will be better. He invited us to visit them up to Apr 2005 before his in-laws move in and of course, before my tummy grew too much.

Hubby looks visibly tired despite his great hair-cut. The number and deadlines of the on-going projects are getting to him. He really needs the year end quiet get-away.

I am currently reading another Danielle Steel novel, "Sunset in St Tropez". Something different from her usual plot which I find interesting.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Flushes of heat

It was fine weather today but hubby had work to do so we stayed at home. It's 13 DPO (days past ovulation). I had felt hot flushes on my face and generally felt warm. Felt short of breathe at times too. Thus, it was not surprising when I woke up to a higher temp than normal which is good for a pregnant wannabe in case you are not aware. The best time to test is 16 DPO or even longer if you did not die from suspense by then. I had since joined fertility circles and made some friends. If I bingo on my first attempt, I must be very lucky as there are scores of them who have tried for a year at least.

But the show has not ended yet, so we shall see then, maybe it is not positive. One never knows! Just have to keep praying for my temps to be high, high.

My parents and inlaws will be the happiest people next to us to know about this news...ha ha, I am thinking when it's best to tell them.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

1st TTC (trying to conceive) cycle

It's my first official cycle in attempting to be pregnant. In a week's time, I should know the results. Temperatures are still high at the moment but one never knows.
Hubby's office opened a US posting to all. I would not mind if he takes it up but he is not keen. Furthermore, someone else had already announced her interest. However, I cannot help but imagining how my life will change if he does opt for it. For certain, I would not face much of a language problem. I would not have problem understanding my favourite drama and shows. But I have no control over postings as what matters is his happiness at work eventually. Parents would be sad to see us going further and further away...
It's coming close to end Nov 04. I feel distant from my family and there seems not much to talk about except the usual greetings. A close friend of dad is dying from alcoholism. It's not surprising at the rate he used to drink. Dad sounded sad but I had told him that it is pretty expected. May sound cold to him but it's the truth. Dad is pretty soft with what Sis wants to do, hopefully she chooses the right track. He is not an enforcer. Live and let live..sounds familiar :-)

Monday, November 08, 2004

Many books to read

Went to the library today and found there are so many books that are so interesting but I cannot put my hands on them yet as I have to study for my coming test. Books on pregnancy, housekeeping, travel books, journals...
Most importantly, found some books on Izu Shotou which would be of immense help for our year end holiday planning.
Burnt 670 calories on the stepper and felt it improved my breathing and energy levels. This week is baby-making week :D. For those who are not in a hurry, my good advice is take your time. Anyway, the results would be out again around month end.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Year end retreat

We were pretty set on going to Zao, Tohoku for skiing this year end. Somehow, I am not keen on to be in the cold and miss those days in Greek Islands especially Amorgos. Hachijo islands, yes! why not, let's explore those islands nearby Tokyo :D This place goes down well with GK too and he even got some brochures to make bookings. It will be a very relaxing retreat...