be there there hope...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Alien Attack!!

I had bathed thrice today. First time was the usual bath that everyone takes in a day. Second time was I felt a little itchy on the body. Third time was due to an ALIEN ATTACK! Alden had vomitted on me at near midnight. He's been coughing badly with lots of phlegm. That's the ALIEN in him..:-((

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Kerrin has arrived!!

Backdated post!! Kerrin has arrived in this little planet on 10 Dec 2007. So we will be expecting a party on 10 Jan 2008.

Long overdue facial

Today, I finally had my long overdue facial at Kose, Takashimaya with my favourite beautician. I look forward to seeing her again in Jan 2008. As much as I can, I hope to have facial once a month. Saw Birkenstock at 30% discount at World of Sports there, aiyo, so tempted to buy another pair!!

Collect Alden's musical instruments. They are so lovely and real!! We made great music with them as a threesome group (daddy included).